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Upper Limb Rehabilitation Wearable Device

Project Objectives

The TRACKHOLD project is based on two main intervention lines. One line focuses on completing the development of new products (Service B.1.1) for upper limb rehabilitation. The other line addresses the theme of temporary management (Service B.2.6).

  • The first intervention line, related to the development of new products, involves completing the development of the wearable rehabilitation system TRACKHOLD.
  • The second intervention line, complementary to the first, deals with Temporary Management, particularly concerning WR’s need to transition from a strictly industrial organization and processes.

Future Vision

The primary goal of this second intervention line is to prepare all the “managerial” elements necessary to evolve from the current start-up with a light organization into a structured company with a complete organization. This organization should be consistent with current dimensions and foresee the establishment of operational mechanisms and the capacity to support prospective development in a high-tech sector.

  • High ergonomic standards for operators
  • Reduced risk of biomechanical overload
  • Operational support with a positive impact on worker safety and health